Here is a selection of gigs for Sunday the 23rd of March

Sunday the 23rd of March 1975

  • Canberra University, Canberra. ACT - Skyhooks

Sunday the 23rd of March 1980

  • Journey’s End Wine Bar, Woolloomooloo. NSW - Pat Drummond
  • Prospect Hill Hotel, Kew. VIC - Skyhooks

Sunday the 23rd of March 1997

  • Clovelly Hotel, Clovelly. NSW - Reckless

Sunday the 23rd of March 2003

  • Clipsal 500, Adelaide. SA - INXS
How this site works

Do you remember William Shakespeare who sang My Little Angel? When he was plain old John Cave he was in a band called The Amazons. That band once had a bass player called Harry Brus.

Harry went on to play in Australian Crawl who had an album called Boys Light Up. That album was produced by David Briggs who was a guitarist in Little River Band. LRB had a drummer called Derek Pellici who was once in Blackfeather which also featured a bass player called... Harry Brus.

Now do you get it? It's all about the relationships and the "family tree" that make up the Australian Music Scene. Contains: 2312 Bands, 3763 People, 2782 Recordings, 4338 Chart Listings, 215 Record Labels, 2338 Venues and 22625 Gigs

Recently Updated Bands

Lawless Breed
Lawless Breed, 13 gigs, 6 members
Grahame Bond & Rory O'Donoghue
Grahame Bond & Rory O'Donoghue, 2 members, 1 recording
Escape, 1 gig, 1 member
Party Girls
Party Girls, 45 gigs, 8 members
Choirboys, 62 gigs, 12 members, 12 recordings
The Hard Ons
The Hard Ons, 50 gigs, 1 member
X, 19 gigs, 4 members
Pseudo Echo
Pseudo Echo, 52 gigs, 7 members, 10 recordings
Icehouse (formerly Flowers), 83 gigs, 23 members, 22 recordings
The Reels
The Reels, 53 gigs, 7 members, 9 recordings
AC/DC, 81 gigs, 21 members, 56 recordings
Divinyls, 60 gigs, 25 members, 30 recordings

Recently Updated People

Ian Moss
Ian Moss
2 bands. 2 gigs. 8 recordings.
Steve Mulry
Steve Mulry
9 bands.
Kevin Pratt
Kevin Pratt
5 bands.
Carlton Spencer
Carlton Spencer
12 bands.
Jon English
Jon English
3 bands. 45 gigs. 18 recordings.
John Farnham
John Farnham
2 bands. 10 gigs. 73 recordings.
Johnny O'Keefe
Johnny O'Keefe
4 gigs. 4 recordings.
Ed Kuepper
Ed Kuepper
3 bands. 11 gigs.

Recently Updated Venues