Displaying Venues 61 - 90 of 2338 in total

Name City State
ANU Canberra ACT 9 gigs
ANU Refectory Canberra ACT 5 gigs
Apollo Bay Hotel Warrnambool VIC 3 gigs
Apollo Stadium, Richmond. SA Apollo Stadium Richmond SA 20 gigs
Ararat Town Hall, Ararat. VIC Ararat Town Hall Ararat VIC 2 gigs
Aratula Bike Show Aratula QLD 1 gig
Argent Hotel Broken Hill NSW 14 gigs
Argyle Tavern The Rocks NSW 2 gigs
Aristocrat Wedding & Function Centre Miranda NSW 1 gig
Arkaba Hotel Fullarton SA 51 gigs
Armadale Hotel Armadale VIC 96 gigs
Armidale Hotel Melbourne VIC 6 gigs
Armidale Teachers College Armidale NSW 1 gig
Armidale Town Hall, Armidale . NSW Armidale Town Hall Armidale NSW 1 gig
Armidale University Armidale NSW 5 gigs
Armstrong's ‘It’s Live’ (Radio Show) South Melbourne VIC 1 gig
Arncliffe Hotel Arncliffe NSW 4 gigs
Arthurs Court - Wine Bar North Sydney NSW 20 gigs
Arts Factory Byron Bay NSW 7 gigs
Arts Factory Byron Bay NSW 2 gigs
Ashby Hall Geelong VIC 1 gig
Ashfield Hotel Ashfield NSW 2 gigs
Ashfield Town Hall Ashfield NSW 5 gigs
Ashley Hotel Maidstone VIC 2 gigs
Ashley's Disco Collingwood VIC 1 gig
Aspley Football Club Carseldine QLD 2 gigs
Asquith Boys High School Asquith NSW 1 gig
Asquith Leagues Club  - Magpies Waitara, Waitara. NSW Asquith Leagues Club - Magpies Waitara Waitara NSW 3 gigs
Astoria Motel Melbourne VIC 1 gig
Astra Hotel Bondi NSW 70 gigs