Long Jetty Hotel

Long Jetty Hotel, Long Jetty. NSW 9 Gigs

407 The Entrance Road

Long Jetty, NSW

9 Known Gigs for Long Jetty Hotel

Date Band
Friday 16th May 1980 QV's
INXS Friday 11th June 1982 INXS
Friday 1st October 1982 Richard Clapton Band
The Little Heroes Sunday 18th September 1983 The Little Heroes
Matt Finish Saturday 10th December 1983 Matt Finish
The Zarsoff Brothers Sunday 11th February 1990 The Zarsoff Brothers
Lawless Breed Tuesday 22nd March 2022 Lawless Breed
Lawless Breed Saturday 29th April 2023 Lawless Breed
The Psychedelics Saturday 10th June 2023 The Psychedelics